Saturday, September 27, 2008

Dovi đenja Hrvatska

We have just finished our last dinner in Croatia. We ate at the restaurant (Nokturno) in Zagreb we ate at before - simple, cheap, hearty. We are here at the internet cafe and then are going to go check out a festival in the main square (in the past couple hours just walking through the squares, we've seen a man on stilts, a fire-eater and a woman preparing to tightrope walk!

Yesterday was one of our best days in Croatia. We woke up and walked about 25 minutes to the Sv. Jakov (Saint Jacob) beach. We met up with a Kayak tour guide and paddled to the island of Lokrum off the southeastern coast of Dubrovnik. When we got there, we sunbathed on the 'beach', a series of flat and jagged rocks, climbed around the rocks and went for a swim (well...the water was quite cold, so I stood on a rock up to my legs, while Conor actaully went snorkeling and cliff-jumping. To be fair, only a few other people were actually swimming, I wasn't being a huge wuss). Then we walked around the old town, packed and went to dinner at a great restaurant that served traditional Bosnian fare. [edit on Sept 28: Meant to mention that Conor had the gypsy kabob which had like five different chunks of vegetables and five different meats on the stick and I had cevapi, which is kind of like a pita with sausage in it, with a white sheep cheese and onions on the side. It was delicious and there will be photos.] Then we headed to bed. I woke up every hour, terrified we would miss the alarm to wake up for our 4 am taxi to the airport for our 6 am flight. We made it to Zagreb around 7 and to our guestroom (a different one away from the city center) around 8:30. Then we came to the main square, got cappucinos, and checked our e-mail, the Times, and talkingpointsmemo. We wandered around a bit, and then went up the hill to the bakery where we got our original Burek and ordered one last doughy meaty deliciousness. Then we went back to the guestroom and crashed for three hours. That brings us here!

and now, some Ožujusko pivo (a Zagrebačke beer) before taking a tram back to our guestroom. and then back to reality and back home to our dwelling unit, sweet, dwelling unit.

thanks for following -- m

1 comment:

Samantha Elliott said...

I am basically dying of jealousy. If I really focus, I can still feel the cold wind coming off the Adriatic and blowing my freshly cut hair into my face...but you guys don't have to imagine. Thanks for letting me live vicariously! Be safe on your journey homeward.