Sunday, September 28, 2008

home turf

Arrived to JFK this afternoon at 7 pm. Conor's dad graciously picked us up AND supplied us with a huge tray of baked ziti for an already-prepared dinner. We crashed, unpacked, and watched my favorite, The Wire. Wish that we were still eating squid and walking around ruins, but am happy to be back and excited to go to work tomorrow. We are both feeling rested and ready to go. Will post photo link as soon as we get them up (hopefully tomorrow or Tuesday).

Lastly, meant to mention how I noticed a difference between the Croatian spoken on the coast (Split, Dubrovnik) and inland. Inland, it sounds much more russianesque/eastern european to the ear (much harder and more noticeable ch's, z's and v'z) and on the coast, it sounds more like italian (softer, and as if it rolled off the tongue a bit easier). I couldn't quite tell if it was because of where the accent was placed on a word, but I definitely noticed a substitution for some words. Instead of "Dovi đenja"when we left a restaurant/caffe bar/tavern in Dubrovnik, we much more often heard "Adio" and even a few times "Ciao." Just an interesting note on how the same language changes depending on what area you are in and possibly the influences of surrounding countries.

okay, good night, photos soon!

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